Graphology Report Maker

8  Forms of Connection

How do you relate to other people ?
What are your comunation skills like ?

You may have more than one form of connection on this page.

The diagram illustrates the different ways the letter 'n' is written. Some-
times these movements can be found in the letter 'm'. Arcade move-
ments can also be found in the letters 'u' and 'w' which then look like
'n' and 'm'.

The different forms of connection show the ways in which one person
relates to another. Writers with copy book connections in their writing
after having left school, show their desire to adhere to prescribed
methods of doing things, and of relating to other people.

Angularity in writing looks a bit like a saw blade; very rigid and
cutting. People who write in this way will also be rigid and uncompro-
mising, cutting their way through life in order to achieve goals.

Arcades are like arches that one can shelter under for protection from
the weather. Arcade writers will be very protective of their personal life
so that others don't interfere with it.

Garlands are very much the opposite of arcades. Garlands, like cups,
are open to receive experiences. Like children, these writers are young at
heart and adapt easily to situations, giving off warmth and friendliness.

The wavy line is opposite to angularity. There are curves instead of
angles. Wavy line writers will be very flexible and compromising in their
attitudes to others.

Thread writing is like wavy line writing, but to the extreme. There is a
lack of down-strokes which indicates a lack of firmness in the writers'
lives. They are too easily influenced by others, and because of this they
may find themselves in awkward situations. They do have the ability to
extract themselves from situations, no matter how involved.

When people have a mixture of a few different types of connection,
they will be able to relate to others in more ways than one, which will
help them to deal with a variety of people

Copy book
Eye Training Things to Look For

Upright slant & varying
Small size
Connected letters


Strong t bar     


copy book

Correct Behavior

You like to do everything correctly in your own way. You have a talent

for keeping to conventions and socially get on with people in a friendly

way. However, if you find that the social customs of the time or place are

not what you are used to,  then by behaving as you usualy do, you will be
seen by others to be rather unorthodox, because you do not always go
along with their commonly accepted ideas and beliefs. You have respect
for intelligent rules and regulations associated with your work and other

Being conscientious and co-operative, you usually keep to the

prescribed routine methods in the course of repetitive tasks.


I have a friend who has copy book connection style writing. She works in
an Estate Agent's office and spends most of her time filling in forms and

addressing envelopes. She is able to do these repetitive tasks quite easily

and enjoys the work. This is because her work and her inner nature

correspond, an example of a round peg in a round hole can be applied

here. Also, being naturally friendly, she is able to take care of the

customers without any difficulty.


Eye Training Things to Look For

Upright slant

Full middle zone
Connected & disconnected




Straight to the Point

You are straight to the point and people know where they stand with

you. You are reliable and independent at work. There is a tendency to be

hard and uncompromising, and you will undertake difficult tasks, as you

do not mind overcoming difficulties. The forcefulness of your personality
manifests itself from time to time by a desire to impose your will on your

Often you are tense and disinclined to adapt yourself to other people.

You adopt an 'either/ or' and 'yes or no' attitudes to life and are unwilling to

compromise. In this regard you need to guard against entertaining

destructive inner attitudes or resentment towards certain individuals,

organized bodies or disappointing experiences of the past.

Positively, your attitude of independence is not without self-reliance in its
idealistic outlook. Most of the time you put the head before the heart, and
can have strong inclinations towards ethical problems.

When dealing with others you always like to be correct, and are

inclined to argue the point. You know what you want and usually get it.

Mentally you are alert, penetrating and analytical. Sometimes your

critical sense comes to the surface in a sense of humor, which is not

without a tinge of sarcasm.

Your claims to leadership are supported by a strong sense of obligation
and responsibility. You have the ability to solve problems and overcome
difficulties. Generally you like to be austere and sometimes turn your back
on too much ease and comfort in your immediate surroundings and


Angular writers can be efficient and hardworking. Their straight to the

point way of dealing with people and situations enable them to achieve

what they set out to do,

However, their lack of flexibility when handling other people, gives

rise to tension and stress, which can lead to ulcers and other stress

related diseases, if not corrected in time.

Great benefit can be achieved by such writers learning how to relax

and let go of the tension and stress.  Set aside just a little time on a
regular basis to attend to your inner life.

There are many methods of meditation, yoga, etc., that would enable

them to let go of tension. It is best for such writers to find something

with which they would feel at home, and which would work for them.


Eye Training Things to Look For

Right slant 

Full middle zone




You force yourself to adapt to outside environmental conditions,

although this is not a spontaneous or an authentic gesture. You do not

disclose your inner thoughts and life to other people, as you believe you

are frequently misunderstood. Therefore you will not like being asked

personal questions. You could say that you draw a circle of protection

around yourself so that intruders are kept at bay.

You can be calm and have a calculating attitude, showing yourself to

be formal and polite building yourself up according to your idea of an

ideal person.


Arcade writers tend to be formal and polite. When this method of

communication is used, others find it difficult to speak to such writers

on a personal level. There are things such  writers wish to keep quiet

about, be they good or bad, for their own protection.

Sometimes the experience can be like coming across a closed door.

Garland writers, on the other hand, have an open door and a warm



Eye Training Things to Look For

Right slant 
Large size
Small middle zone
Connected & disconnected
Fullness & leanness
Starting strokes.



You are concerned more with the spirit of the law than the law itself.

Hence you exhibit an adjustable and easy-going nature. You have the

ability to relax at will and feel at home in the world. Moreover, these

attitudes are manifest by your desire and ability to avoid friction and

conflict, and to be patient and tolerant.

You can adapt easily to change of circumstances and environment, as

well as being open to spiritual, emotional and social impressions and



With your inherent natural capacity for warmth, responsiveness and

devotion, as well as being sensitive to the atmosphere, you are actively

ready to recognize and help others, hence a person of considerable

charm and attractiveness.

However, on one hand you have creative ability in your power of expression,
but on the other hand you often experience difficulty in getting down to tasks,
unless under pressure from outside influences, so you need to resist the
temptation to take things too easily.

In a nutshell, there is a tendency to avoid unnecessary involvement

and stress, because you require a smooth and even life to enable you
to be ready to meet and establish a link with others, and to be  helpful
to them.


People with garlands are very open, warm heart-ed, and can be playful at

times. Because of this they can be good at looking after children or

people who need love and affection.

Wavy Line

Eye Training Things to Look For

Upright slant

Full middle zone  
Connected & disconnected


i dot accurate


Wavy Line


You are very diplomatic and can deal with almost any kind of person.

Your attitude of an all out compromise allows you to be very adaptable,

in so far that you wish to adapt yourself at almost any cost. Outwardly,

therefore, you are friendly and gentle. You mix very easily and can be at

home in any group of people.


You have the ability and preference to solve problems and disagree-

ments by way of compromise, rather than by argument and dispute.

Being open to suggestions and highly impressionable, you are flexible

in an extremely versatile and changeable manner. Your tendency to

evade decisions can be overcome by being more positive and decisive.


Sometimes it can be very difficult to know where one stands with wavy

line writers. They can be very warm, charming and inviting, but their

tendency to evade decisions, ie. not saying what they feel, regarding

their personal lives can be very misleading to others.

Eye Training Things to Look For

Upright slant & varying
Rising lines


Small middle zone  
Connected & disconnected

Fullness & leanness



Avoidance of conflict

You generally follow the line of least resistance and the total avoidance

of conflict. Being versatile and flexible you are able to extricate yourself

from the most involved situations.

Hasty conclusions

You are inclined to make hasty judgments, thereby coming to hasty

conclusions. It would be better if you resisted the urge to hurry too


You are rather sensitive and susceptible to outside influences, so you

need to develop a capacity for greater firmness in your life, in order to

make decisions and keep to them. In this way you can become more



I had a landlord in Dublin who had thready writing. He was a likable chap
but  it took quite  some  time to learn how to deal  with him.

The front room was badly in need of decoration as the wallpaper was

falling off.  I talked to the landlord about this and he would say, "Yes, yes,

I'1l see to that". A month passed and there he was again to collect the

rent. The front room was still untouched."I can't stop now", he would

say, signing the rent book, "I'm in a bit of  a rush, I'll talk to you later". 

A few  more  months  passed  with him picking up the rent and dis-

appearing as fast as possible, it was impossible to pin him down. After a

while it became clear that he wasn't going to do anything about the front

room.    So,   I went out,   bought  the paint and decorated the room myself.

The next time he came round for the rent, I showed him the room, and

gave him the receipts for paint, brushes and a bit extra for the labor, as

part  payment for  the  rent.  The  landlord  was quite satisfied with the

arrangement, as he hadn't had to do anything himself.  After that the

kitchen and the bathroom were repainted as well.

Mixture  of Forms of Connection
Eye Training Things to Look For

Right slant 
Full middle zone

Rising lines

Connected & disconnected
End strokes

Open 'a's and 'o's


Mixture  of Forms of Connection

Can deal with most types of people

Being interested in experiencing new horizons in life, you adapt yourself

easily to different situations. You can deal with most types of people

very successfully by, as it were, putting on different hats. When each

character trait in turn comes from the subconscious to the conscious

mind, you identify with it completely. Thus your mode of approach will

be very different when coming into contact with different people.

You have the ability to be instantaneous in your improvisation. There

are times, however, when you tend to be undecided and abandon your

opinions and reverse your attitude unexpectedly between two contra-

dictory points of view.


When three or more different types of connection are seen in the same

script, this is known as a mixture of the forms of connection.

With this style of writing, the writers are able to be very adaptable and

flexible when handling different types of people. Therefore, they can

make great social workers or do well in any job that requires communi-

cation with a wide variety of people. If the writing is on the large size as

well, the acting profession may well appeal to such people, due to their

ability to express themselves (large writing) in so many different ways (a

mixture of connections).

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