Graphology Report Maker

2-  Width                                                                                     

Are you Adventurous or are you shy  ?

Here we are looking at the Width of the handwriting.
To do this we look to the letters m n u & w.
If these letters have down strokes that are close together ,
then they will look like oblongs standing up.
This is Narrowness.

On the other hand, if these letters have down strokes
that are far apart, they will look like oblongs lying down.
This is Broadness.

Now look at your own handwriting to see if it is
Broad or narrow, or maybe a bit of both and scroll down the page

You may find that there is no Broadness or narrowness
in your handwriting, if this is the case then disregard
this section and go on to look at the size.


Width- Broadness and Narrowness

Width- Broadness and Narrowness

Broad writing can be compared to walking with big strides. A direct
move towards the right, the future and others; it shows how eager the
writers are to accomplish tasks.

The width of the letters shows how active or giving the writers are.
The broader the letters, the more they show how the writers extend
themselves to others and work towards getting things done.

Conversely, narrow writing can be compared to walking with small
steps. It shows up as shyness in self-expression, a holding back.


Right slant
Small size
Distinct pressure.



Adventurous Spirit

You have a boldly adventurous spirit, with a certain added freshness.
You like to oblige and extend invitations to others in an extravagant
manner .


Generally speaking, people will get on easily with you because of your
broadmindedness and ability to express yourself freely. However, you
do have a tendency to exaggerate

Fond of travel

If you were to develop your concentration for longer periods of time,
this would help you become more self-controlled. You enjoy the
freedom to spread yourself, which large rooms provide, and are very
fond of travel, especially to wide open spaces, because you very much
appreciate this form of beauty.

Upright slant
Small middle zone
Lines (bobbing up & down)
Connected &  disconnected
Copy book
t bars weak and low



You have the talent and ability to be realistic and practical, with a
sensitive willingness to analyze the complexities of life, rather than
simply to act on an impulsive evaluation.

Cooping up

You have a habit of hoarding things and are usually very careful with
money. Your tendency to accept things as they are in a passive manner,
brings about a habit of 'cooping up' desires and ambitions. This over-
cautiousness stops you from expressing yourself freely. You can be a bit shy.


Be careful when tension builds up, because it can explode in the form
of intolerance towards people. When a problem which calls for positive
action presents itself, you are inclined to look within to understand how
to deal with it. Although the quality of introspection is laudable, this
tendency to look inside too much, often results in a lack of positive action.

Nervousness and timidity could be overcome by facing up to difficult-
ties as they present themselves. This would give you greater self-
confidence and a more courageous spirit and, in turn, would broaden
your views and widen your horizons,


Take note of the letters n, m, u and w. Narrowness is where the down
strokes of the letters are closer together than the height of the middle zone.
This looks as if the letters in the words are squashed together .

Broadness is where the down strokes of the letters are further apart than
the height of the middle zone. Broadness has a more relaxed feel to it.
Broader writing is healthier than narrow writing, as it gives
expression to courage rather than timidity.

Narrowness can be compared to a river that flows downstream and
hits a dam. The flow of the water (emotions) builds up until the dam can
no longer hold the weight and pressure any more. The dam bursts and
the water (emotions ) comes rushing through, sometimes devastating
whatever or whoever is in the way. It can be a bit like the story of the
straw that broke the camel's back.

After the emotional dam has burst and the water is back to its natural
level, the person concerned can feel a great sense of relief, especially
after a few apologies have been given.

The way to prevent these momentary outbursts is to stop building the
dams, or keeping quiet just to keep the peace, cooping things up. It
would be more beneficial for  you  to allow yourself the
freedom to express your emotions in a social setting. This can be
achieved by making your writing a little broader.

Upright slant & varying
Connected &  disconnected
Wavy line
Heavy pressure
Starting strokes
Strong t bars
Lines arcade
Broadness and Narrowness

Broadness and Narrowness


Frequently you display a bold nature which is often tempered with a
good deal of caution.

You have an adventurous spirit with a certain freshness to it, and you
like to oblige and to extend invitations to others in a generous and
extravagant manner. Generally speaking, people will get on easily with
you because of your broadmindedness and ability to express yourself in
an out-reaching manner. However, you do have a tendency to exaggerate.


On the other hand, you have a conscious habit now and then of suppressing
desires and ambitions. This over cautiousness will stop you from
being able to express yourself in a free and easy manner. Be careful
when the tension builds up too much, because it can burst out in the
form of intolerance towards others.


As you see, when broadness and narrowness are in the script, a
combination of both interpretations are appropriate. Such writers are
broadminded and outward going, as indicated through the broadness,
but every so often they hold back from putting what they know into
practice as indicated by the narrowness. This produces a 'stop -go -
stop -go' type of effect in the writers' lives, which can be a little bumpy.
Here, the need is to pace yourself. You need to understand
your own rhythm patterns and to be in harmony with them. Working at
a speed with which you  feel comfortable should do the trick.

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