Graphology Report Maker

19-  Middle Zone- Green & Blue               

How generous are you ? 
Look at your end strokes.

Do you walk through life with bold confident strides.

Do you talk a lot Or know when to keep quiet  ?

Are you contented ?







Colour: Green
Note: Fa
Tone: Tone
Name and location of Chakra: Anahata - heart
Element: Air
Sense: Touch
Indian Caste system: Ksatriya -king


From the unconscious realm of the lower zone, we come into the
conscious middle zone with its social and day to day life. The green
vegetation and the blue of the sky and the colors that dominate this

End strokes

warmth and generosity.

The end stroke moves towards the right, along the green zone, thus
 emphasizing  the greenness of nature and its ability to give in abundance.
It also shows that you have a big heart.


You what needs to be done and then do a little more, (the end stroke).
In life you will do what is required and then a little more showing a
generous disposition.

The green zone is located at the bottom half of the middle zone, and is
where the end strokes naturally appear. The energy of the heart chakra
with its ability to give and receive, is naturally enhanced by the cup-like
formation of the end stroke.

What is it that you give with your end strokes? You give
your own heartfelt receptivity to others. Also, in this way, you are
very generous because you give of yourself.

Extra long end stroke

You can be overgenerous by forcing yourself on others.

With the movement of air we see that a gentle breeze is pleasant to receive,
but a gale force wind is difficult to take.


Have you ever been wandering around town when someone approaches
you with something to sell? The seller can be so forceful that it is
inclined to make you feel uncomfortable.

The extra long end stroke shows an extra amount of generosity in you
but the movement itself is overdone and, therefore, can indicate an
imbalance, in that you are inclined to give too much, irrespective
of the other person's ability or desire to receive.

End strokes weighed down

Too generous for your own good

You may  need a holiday.


This example shows the end stroke with a weighed down look, going just
under the base line.

You are generous , but at the present
moment in time you  feel that you have taken on too much for yourself
to carry. In other words, you are too generous for your own good.
There are twenty-four hours in a day and we can only do so much. To
attempt to do more would deplete anyone's stamina and make you feel
weary. Then it will be more difficult to do the tasks that you have set for

I f you give a little less and let someone else help, then you will be
able to give for a lot longer in life. It's a little like running a marathon race.
If you do too much at the start of the race, it will be more difficult to
finish. However, if you pace yourselve steadily, in the long run  you
can go further and achieve more.

No end strokes


A lack of green indicates a holding back.


The opportunity to finish with an end stroke is there with most words.
However, 'no end stroke' you do not take advantage of this. In the
same way, the opportunity for giving and receiving with the heart is
there in many situations, but you are not inclined to exercise
this energy.

You tend to hold back from giving and being generous with
your heart, and thus find it difficult to receive with the heart.

Letter 'c' ending abruptly

Absence of generosity.


With the letter 'c', there is a natural garland formation along the base line.
It is the same with the letter 'e'.

When only half of the garland shape is formed, the letter ends
abruptly. The pen should have followed the stroke through, thus
completing the garland shape. So, here again, we are looking at a
lack of green.

You lack goodwill and kindliness towards others, to such a
degree that you would not hesitate to use forceful means to control

The absence of a generous movement that is prescribed in the copy
book, will show an absence of generosity in such writers.

Down stroke does not finish

You do not care to admit to things you have witnessed.

You are afraid to expose your thoughts to others. A greater lack
of green would show an even greater holding back.


This movement, or lack of movement, is usually found at the end of a
word which ends with the letters n m or h; or, in extreme cases, even in
the middle of a word where one of these letters occurs. It is where the
final down stroke of the letter does not reach the base line. In some
graphology books this is known as 'suspendu'.

It is an indication that you are in the habit of concealing facts,
and are disinclined to become involved where others are concerned.
You are unwilling to attempt anything because, inwardly, you
experience an intense fear of exposing or drawing attention to yourself
in front of other people. This habit affects the middle zone only
and, therefore, the psychological interpretations are of a social aspect.
With this lack of movement being specifically in the green zone, the
heart Chakra needs healing.

Every now and then, you are beset by sudden fears and
doubts, which cause you to avoid finalizing the discussion on account
of a risk of committing yourself. Hence the habit on these occasions,
of 'soft-pedaling', to tread cautiously and to be feeling dissatisfied with,
the direction your life is taking. Almost as though, psychologically,
there is a difference between your true character and the environmental
situation you  find yourself in. Moreover, the inner awareness of this
difference is at the root of a high degree of inner tension .
When you understand where their heart is, you will then
know where home is-

Thread Connections

You need to hurry, green for go.


People with thready connections are always on the go. Sometimes it can
be difficult to pin you down for more than five minutes. (Refer to the
section on thread connections.)

The emphasis in such writing is of the movement going from left to
right along the green zone, to such a degree that many down strokes are
absent, indicates that in life, such writers emphasis will be more into
moving fast than making the decisions (down strokes) to get them where
you  are going.


You like to get about and travel the expanse of the


 Movement is in the air, and you wish to take in everything that comes
your way.


This is another way in which we see the use of the green zone. This one is
a little healthier. (Refer to the section on Broadness.)

Writers with broad writing love the expanse and greenness of the
countryside, you  are broad minded and, generally speaking, are easy
to get on with. You are able to put your heart  into whatever
you  do, thus making life more fulfilling for yourself.


Indicates shyness, a holding back.

You need more green with the wider
interests and sense of harmony and balance such green would give you.
Such balance would free you to give in the way you wish to.


(Refer to the section on narrowness.) Narrowness indicates hearts that
are quiet and do not give full self-expression. Hence you are
shy. However, such cooping up and shyness can cause difficulties to
you, in that when you do come to express yourself, your
words come out in spurts and starts which, by being presented in this
way, makes it harder for others to understand what you are saying.
It is not so much the content of what you say that is important
here, but the way in which you express yourself.

When you change  your writing from narrowness to broadness, it
becomes much easier to express yourself from the heart. You can
express yourself in such a way as to make your words more acceptable
to others. Also, a few end strokes would not go amiss either .

Signature crossed out

This shows suicidal tendencies.

The crossing out of your signature
is like crossing yourself out of existence.


The ability to give which the green gives us, turns back on itself, which
results in giving yourself an excessive amount of criticism. This can be
a danger to your health. Don't jump to conclusions too quickly on this
one. A signature generally stays the same, while the rest of the writing
may change, due to changing environmental factors. Therefore, what
you may be seeing is a difficult patch in your life some ten or fifteen
years ago. Even so, I still think it is better to underline your signature
rather than to cross it out, as underlining will give you a more positive
outlook in understanding your sense of self importance.


Colour: Blue
Note: So
Tone: Tone
Name and location of Chakra: Vishudda -throat
Element: Ether
Sense: Sound
Indian Caste system: Ksakrayia -saintly king

Open a's and o's

You have a.tendency to talk a great deal



With the blue zone, we find it located at the top half of the middle zone.
Open a's and o's can sometimes be found in this area
Graphologists have observed that people with open a's and o's have a
tendency to talk a great deal. On the color chart we see that this
corresponds to the throat chakra and the color blue, both of which
relate to communication.

The gap at the top of these letters puts me in mind of a valve that we
use to let off steam and talk a great deal.

Open to the left

A tendency to talk about others behind their backs.


Here the gap is open to the left. So any 'letting off steam' is being done
away from others. Referring to interpretations on the slant, we notice
that the right slant naturally leans towards others, while the left slant tends
to hold back from getting too involved with others.

The opening of these letters to the left, therefore, has a negative
interpretation in that, although you will have a tendency to
talk, you will veer away from communicating directly with others.
Hence the tendency to talk about others behind their backs.

Open to the right

A tendency to speak your mind openly.

As we have seen from our understanding of slant, the right is the
direction towards'others, and the left is being more defensive.


The gap open to the right will aid the communication as it is being
directed towards others.

You will have no difficulty in talking to others, as there is a natural
desire to communicate. Although I must say that in speaking
one's mind openly and directly to others, you are  likely to come up against
resistance some time or another along the way.

Closed at the top

Can keep a secret.

A person who knows how to keep their mouth shut.

Here we have a natural control over the use of speech. The valve for
letting off steam is closed off, and you will have a tendency to
be more careful about what you say. Therefore, you can keep a secret
because you know how to be quiet when necessary.


Full middle zone
Contented. The ability to find contentment  inside yourself

Small middle zone

Lack of contentment.


In some parts of India, Africa and South America, there are initiation
ceremonies in which a boy becomes a man. After the ceremony,
everyone within the community relates to the initiate as a man, and then
he feels like a man and behaves like one. In Western cultures we do
not have such a precise moment in our lives, when those around us
treat us with due respect. Hence we find ourselves in a society in which
we are always trying to prove ourselves to ourselves and to those
around us.

The whole of Western civilization, with its skyscrapers and warheads,
is a product of Western man suffering from an inferiority complex;
therefore, always trying to prove himself to be better and bigger than
the next man. (Refer to the section on zones.)

Here we have the small middle zone with its lack of blue, indicating a
lack of ability to be contented with what we have. Blue is the sky, it
gives us space. When we draw blue into our lives, it gives us the space
to get on and do what we wish to. It brings a sense of wholeness and
completeness. We then have the space in which to understand ourselves
more fully, and thus to become more contented and at peace within ourselves.
When this is achieved we no longer need to prove to ourselves, or to
those around us, our own self worth, as we do not need proof of what is
self -evident.

With our small middle zone in Western society, we see that our goals
and Gods are outside of ourselves. Hence we tend to see contentment or
self fulfillment as something we work hard for, rather than just realizing that
it is within us. If only we would give the contentment a little space to breathe
and to come through to us.

It is good to be industrious, with whatever talents we have, as that can help
us in day to day life, but if we do not allow ourselves the experience of
self-fulfillment, then we will always feel something is lacking in our lives.
Hence we look outside ourselves, thinking that self-fulfillment will come
in this or that way, through partner, job, promotion etc.

Admittedly, environmental factors may well help or hinder us, as the
case may be, but when it comes down to it, we alone have the choice
whether to be contented and satisfied with our lot or not.

The small middle zone is found in the majority of handwriting in the
Western world, mainly America. It is' for that reason that I have written
about it in cultural terms. When dealing with cultural issues, there are
many facets to consider; this is only one of them.

The middle zone relates to the social part of life, when the middle
zone is small, it indicates that the social lives of such writers is stunted,
and their self opinion is low. Writers with an inferiority complex tend to
compensate by improving their intellect (as indicated in their upper zone)
to such a degree that they receive praise from others. This should have
the effect of increasing the self worth of such writers. However, self worth
is a feeling that comes from inside the writers, and when it is projected out,
others will accept those writers as how they see them-selves.

Referring to the section on size, we notice that the smaller the writing,
the smaller the writers' own opinion of themselves. Relating this
principle to the small middle zone, we can see how such writers
see themselves as being inferior in a social setting.

When the middle zone is sometimes small, then large, in the same
script, it shows that such writers' opinion of themselves fluctuates.
Sometimes a sense of self worth is evident. but not at other times.

Some interesting cultural notes

It's interesting to see that the Irish   Book of Kells  is written in a style
that has a very well rounded and developed middle zone. This shows
that the monks of that time and place were self fulfilled, warm and
friendly. They would have looked inside themselves to find God,
and were contented people.

Looking at the Irish people today, I find them as warm people with a
very well developed sense of hospitality, so much so that they treat
the unexpected visitor, in a similar way to the Indians, as if he were
a representative of God.

Later on, in England, the writing of the Monks unfortunately took on
a different form. The letters were narrower and there were many sharp
angles. This showed that the later monks were more restricted in their
expression, and had a tendency to be over strict and hard on them-
selves. Seeing this from the graphological eye, it would have been very
difficult for the monks of the later era to develop spiritually, while so many
unhealthy restrictions had to be lived with.

Today, in England, we could all do with a little loosening up and
learning how to be a little friendlier to others. As a nation we still tend to be
far too hard on ourselves.

It is interesting to note that the early Irish Monks lived in simple,
round shaped wattle huts. The later period English churches and
cathedrals were taller, narrower and had lots of fancy art work. The
similarity between the handwriting of the two respective times, and
their style of architecture, is clear .

Architecture, just like handwriting, is an expression of the people. If
you look to history and the architecture of the times, and compare that
with the style of the handwriting of the same times, you will see many
similarities in the forms of both the handwriting and architecture. With the
use of graphology we can understand the type of people who
expressed themselves in those times.

I was looking at some old Victorian fireplaces the other day. I was
thinking that they had style, but were straight and rigid, just like the
people of that time.

Bringing us back to the present, we can see that the skyscrapers are a
product of 'wanting to be bigger and better than the next man'. This
reflects in highly competitive society where the people, due to excessive
greed, have not learnt how to have contentment in their lives.

So far in this site, I have talked about changing handwriting In order
to bring a greater sense of balance and harmony in life. The change from
a small and narrow middle zone to a round and full middle zone would
be beneficial to all concerned. Such writers would find such a change
would bring them contentment in their lives rather than stress and anxiety.

If we apply this same principle to architecture, the change would be
from skyscrapers that are built in lines, to round, dome shaped houses
placed in circles. This could help to produce an environment where
people would find it easier to develop their full potentiality, and thereby be
 more beneficial to the community.

When  Sanskrit and Hindi  are placed on the color chart, the base line
is on the  indigo zone.
Which is different from Western script with its base
line on the Yellow zone. The base line refers to where we are coming from.

In the west we identify ourselves by the type of work we do. In India with

the base line on indigo, They identify themselves by more spiritual means.

The markings on the forehead will show you what kind of spirituality they identify
with. The way the letters are constructed show that  the Indian people tend to
look inside themselves to find God through the practice
of meditation.

While in the Western world, with a majority of our writing showing a
small middle zone, it indicates that we tend to perceive God as being
something outside ourselves.

The letters of the Indian script are constructed in such a way as to
make it impossible for them to be written with a small middle zone.
In India, you will find that the majority of their buildings have flat
roofs. See how similar this is to the shape of their letters.

The Sanskrit and Hindi base line is in the same place as our T bars.

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