Graphology Report Maker

6-  Layout                                 

Are you clear headed or confused ?  
A good organizer or Simply chaotic  ?

Clearly spaced lines are seen when there is no intermingling of the

upper zones of one line with the lower zones of the line above it.

If the lower loops intermingle with the upper zone of the line below it.

This will show the mingling of lines

A good layout will have clearly spaced lines and a well ordered page.
A bad layout will have mingling lines and will be disorganized.

You may have two samples that apply to you here.

If none apply then go to the next section.



The layout on a page shows how well organized a person likes things
to be; how well they arrange their life, and how they present themselves.
A good or bad layout will show how successfully a person co-ordinates
all the different aspects of their life, to form a complete whole or fails to
do so, as the case may be.

If the lines are clearly spaced out or mingle with each other, this shows
how clear-headed or confused a person is.
To observe this in the writing, see if the lower loops intermingle with
the upper zone of the line below it. This will show the mingling of lines.
Such writers do not give themselves the space they need on the paper
to express each word as separate from the others. A sort of cramming
in effect is seen.

Clearly spaced lines are seen when there is no intermingling of the
upper zones of one line with the lower zones of the line above it. Such
writers have given themselves the space needed to express themselves
with clarity. Clear lines show clear thinking and, generally speaking, an
uncluttered mind.

Right slant
Full middle zone
Connected & disconnected
Varying pressure
Lower loop not crossing

Clearly Spaced Lines

Clearly Spaced Lines

Clear thinking

You strive for clarity of thought, making sure not to get confused by the
complexities of life. Generally you are able to make yourself clearly
understood by others. Not being as spontaneous as you would like to be,
you prefer to sleep on queries before making decisions. Being
well mannered you expect the same treatment from others.
You like things to be clean and tidy, and dislike any form of clutter .

Upright slant & varying
Broadness & narrowness
Small middle zone
Copy book
Flag in upper zone
Starting strokes

Mingling Lines

Mingling Lines


At the moment you find difficulty in seeing things as they really are.
Your confusion arises because you don't pay enough attention to
planning out your daily routine in an organized way. Also, from being
over occupied with your baser instincts. Every now and then you have
difficulty in controlling your sexual impulses and have a tendency to
be accident prone.


Cramming in as much as possible reflects a confused mind and, quite
often, unclear expression of ideas. Such writing shows that you
are trying to do as much as possible, without giving yourself the
space to do it all in. You are likely to be very unpractical,
and are bound to be confused when things don't come together.
A return to clearly spaced lines will help bring clarity to the mind,
and enable you to let go of the clutter

Upright slant & varying
Large size
Connected & disconnected
Fullness & leanness

Good  Layout

Good  Layout

Good Organizer

You are able to recognize the necessity for proper control and
organization, and are capable of carrying it through consistently.
You have a good grasp and overall conception of situations.

Your plans before starting a project are based on a well balanced
sense of proportion and judgment. That means that you understand
the correct use of time, place and circumstances when making
decisions, and will arrange your day to day life in a practical way,
usually keeping to a well regulated time-table. You enjoy most
kinds of artistic arrangement, due to your love of  form and beauty.


Notice the straight left hand margin, clear spacing between lines and,
generally speaking, the script well arranged in an organized and sensible
way, so that every word has its place and is in harmony with the rest of
the writing. This shows good organizing ability, everything in its proper
place and all working well together

Right slant
Small middle zone

Bad Layout

Bad Layout


You do not plan things out in an organized or systematic way, such as
would enable you to see and overcome any obstacles before they arise.
Instead, you prefer to cross your bridges when you come to them, and
face obstacles as they arise.

You have a fertile and spontaneous mind which enables you to work
from scratch, improvising by trial and error as you go along, rather than
working from a preconceived plan. It would be of great help to you to
try and keep to a timetable.


Mingling lines and general chaos on the page will show the untidiness
of a bad layout. There is a lack of integration in yourself  and a
need to understand what you are best at, and how you
can practically and realistically bring your ideas to manifestation so
that they are in harmony within your environment. You need
to give yourself more space on the paper and in your life. If you
are looking for inner harmony. Meditation and relaxation are good
for letting go of life's clutter.

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