Graphology Report Maker

18-  Top of Lower Zone & Base Line- Yellow  

How do you feel about yourself   ?
Are you feeling a bit sad ?            
Or are you feeling  satisfide ?        
Do you have emotional balance ?

More lower loops and  base lines .
Do you have any of these ?

I have  found  that about  80%  of British
people have the second.

Lower loop left open and uncrossed,   +  Sharpness.

 Scorpionic sting.








Colour; Yellow
Note; Me
Tone; Semitone
Name and location of Chakra; Manipura -solar plexus
Element; Fire
Sense; Sight
Indian Caste system; Viasya -businessman


With yellow we come to the end of the lower zone. This is where the
lower loops cross into the middle zone, where the unconscious is inte-
grated into day to day life.

Lower loop left open and uncrossed

Will pick at food

There there is an absence of yellow. The lower loop is left
uncrossed. A lack of fire. Food (earth) changes into liquid (water) when
eaten. Then the (fire) of digestion turns it into energy and satisfaction for
the rest of the body.

A lack of fire energy
within can make it difficult for us to digest food. Also, there can be a
feeling of lack of satisfaction, a need for the sun to shine in one's life.
All this can be due to not crossing a barrier, not making the decision
that is needed to bring one's creation into sight in order to make it
manifest. If we want satisfaction in our lives, then we have to be
creative. Because you do  not receive complete satisfaction
from your food, you will be inclined to pick at food in between meals,
in order to (unconsciously) make up for the satisfaction that you didn't
get from your meal.


When I was living in Farnham, Simon and myself decided to do an
experiment. We collected handwriting samples of people who were
trying to lose weight, but no matter what diet or course they went on,
they were unsuccessful

After looking at all the samples, we could see two handwriting move-
ments that were common to all the scripts. The lower loops were
irregular and left uncrossed. Also, the't' bars were inconsistent, sometimes
strong and then weak in the same script.

By relating this information to the color chart, we could see what was
happening. The uncrossed lower loops showed that there was a lack of
fire, energy. Solid food (earth) would be eaten, when inside it turns to
liquid (water ). However, without the crossing of the down stroke into
the next letter. The body would hold the water, and the digestion would

The irregular 't' bars showed that the will power was sometimes
strong, then weak, fluctuating all the time.

We prescribed completing of the lower loops to aid the digestion, and
strong, regular 't' bars, to keep the willpower consistent.
Not everyone took willingly to changing their lower loops and 't'bars.
However, those that did, not only lost weight that they couldn't lose
before, but they were able to exercise more control in their personal
and family lives

Scorpionic sting

You need to love yourself a bit more.

The lower loop is left open and uncompleted , also there  is sharpness
at the end of the lower loop. I call this a scorpionic sting. If you look at
it , on its side, it looks a bit like a scorpion with its long tail bent backwards.

The lower zone relates to :  The sub conscious , our dream life ,
our creative ability. You can also see it as being  below the ground.
This is where our past is stored.
Sharpness relates to : Perfectionism

When these two come together it can  manifest in a variety of  sub conscious
habit patterns.

Give yourself some slack

You tend to be too hard on yourself  and sometimes expect too much from
yourself. You need to give yourself a bit of slack and give yourself credit for
the things you are able to do well.

Fear of rejection

You  sometimes suffer from an over dose of perfectionism which leads to
you being far too critical of yourself. All this is related to your fear of rejection.
The problem with any fear is that sooner or later we have to face it. The more
time and emotional energy we invest in fear , the more we attract it towards us.
Not  a  good idea.

Some times you can press other peoples buttons , without realizing you are doing
it. You are able to push so far , that  it creates a  rejection from  them to you.
When it comes, you look at it and say to yourself, " Why are they treating me like
 this , it's so unfair."  What is happening is that,  they are treating you in the same
 way as you treat yourself . Which is also unfair.

Life's situations can often be like a mirror as to how we see our selves.

Accept yourself for what you are , and others will mirror that back to you.

Inner strength

The tarot card that I relate this to is the Strength card. The lady and the lion.
The lady is being very gentle with the lion ,patting  and smoothing it.
The lion is liking this very much.

The lady represents the angelic part of you . The lion represents the beastly
side of you. It 's  a  yin yan thing.

The idea portrayed in this picture is ,  That it is possible for you to find
inner strength , simply by being gentle with yourself and excepting yourself for
 what you are even the bits that are beastly

High standards

Sometimes you  expect too much from yourself. Setting  high standards and
goals that are impossible to achieve. This is why you don't always finnish
of  what you start. And another excuse to be hard on yourself.

Make goals that are within easy walking distance and are easy to achieve.
Like, to day I will drink at least two glasses of water. Then give yourself credit,
 and feel good about yourself. I know it sounds a bit silly but, This is all about
you getting used to the habit of feeling good about yourself after achieving a goal.
 Getting used to experiencing satisfaction from the stomach, this is all to do with
 the solar plexus. Creating fire in the belly and feeling good about yourself.

In olden times

In olden times Some of the leaders of various different religious organizations
would use Guilt to try and control the people.
Perfectionism and guilt are like two sides to the same coin. You don't  get
one without the other.
We are encouraged to strive for perfection but end up feeling guilty when
perfection has not been reached.

Some times leaders and sales people use fear to try and control us,
You don't have to buy  into it.

 It's very difficult to find perfection in this world,  Mozart is a good example,
He was able to write his music down , without the need to go over it again
and make it better. The rest of us usually will need to practice and improve
our creation as we go on

You are good enough

You  tell your self  "My creation is not perfect ,  it is unfinished
 and not good enough , Therefore I'm not good enough. "
 And I say, Forget it, Your already good enough. Just give it a go, If the first
one doesn't turn out to well , the next one probably will.

 If you weren't trying so hard to be perfect , you would probably  be perfect.


This striving for perfectionism and feelings  of guilt are passed down from one
generation to the next, So this is sort of hereditary.

You are a free spirit

The thing is, You are a free spirit and You do not  need guilt or fear to keep
you in line. It tends to get in the way of your creative ability.

If you want , you can choose to let go of   guilt feelings  and being too critical
of  yourself . You can get into the habit of  loving yourself and excepting
 your self  for what you are. Remember, when you look inside yourself
and see things that are not perfect . You don't need to criticize it.
Be gentle with yourself and you will gain inner strength.

Flowers always grow better when their is a bit of  compost and
manure to help it on it's way.
You can grow and transform when you see that the dark side of
your nature is not the enemy. But is their to help.

Seeing it as the enemy creates inner conflict within us. Light
against dark.
Accepting the darker side of our nature with gentleness creates
inner harmony and balance.

If you get into the habit of completing your lower loops,
bring the stroke up into the middle zone, without it crossing out
the middle zone part of the letter.

This will help you to integrate your dream life and creative ability
into day to day reality. It can help your dreams to come true.
This is because you can make your goals , achievable goals.
And you can accept yourself  for what you are, so other people
will accept you for what you are.

Completing your lower loops will help to bring about a
much needed transformation in your life that will result in
you loving  yourself more and experiencing satisfaction from
the stomach.

 In a nut shell.You are a lot better than what you think you are.

Lower crossing loop

Sexual or emotional disappointment.

 lack of fire energy, or satisfaction.


Notice how the loop goes down at the end, showing disappointment and
feeling down (refer to the section on falling lines).You are not
using your full creative ability, due to feelings of being let down and
disappointed. These emotions are kept beneath the surface, and are not
being faced at the present time.

The sun can shine in one's life again if the loops are crossed higher up,
thus integrating one's past experience into every day awareness.
Suppressing hurtful memories is unhealthy for our emotional well-
being, and can stunt our spiritual growth. There comes a time when it
would be favorable to bring the unwanted emotions to the surface and
let go of them.Your self worth will then be given a chance to grow and

The lower loop completed.
The integration of one's creative ability into day to day life.

The integration of one's creative ability into day to day life. The seed
of creativity is planted in the earth, then it is watered by our feelings,
 for it to grow. Then the flower of creation pops its head out from the
 darkness to the light. The fire gives satisfaction because, at the point
we can see what we have created, and then we can handle it in day
to day life (the middle zone).


Completed lower loops show the integration of the unconscious into the
awake day to day life.You are able to understand light in your
darkness and put it to use in a practical way, so the transforming process
can take place.

In the color chart there is a diagram of a tree. The analogy of a tree
can be helpful here. The roots are in the ground, drawing up nourish-
ment, which is transferred to the fruits, leaves, branches etc.
The point where the tree comes out of the ground into the light of day,
is in the yellow zone, relating to the element of fire. In the handwriting
it is where the lower loops cross over the down stroke and into the
middle zone.

The roots of our creativity are in the lower zone, the unconscious.
Completed lower loops show one's creativity integrating into awake life
and everyday awareness. instead of just being dreamt about.

Even base line

Emotional balance.

It is like moving on solid ground.


With the base line situated on the yellow zone, the element fire and the
solar plexus, we can see how it relates to our emotional states. Have
you noticed that when people get upset, they don't feel like eating and
lose their appetite for a while. The solar plexus is situated in the area
of the stomach and digestive system. So all these things are related to
each other, and the understanding of this helps us to perceive life with
an order and pattern behind what is visible.

An even base line will show an emotionally well balanced person.
Refer to the section on lines and see how they relate to our emotional
well being at the time. Lines rising for happiness and optimism. Lines
falling showing signs of being down in the dumps.

Uneven base line

Emotional imbalance

Emotional imbalance. This is like going through a sticky patch in life,
 where the carpet we stand on is being moved from under our feet.


When skeletons in the cupboard, or secrets from the past, demand to be
recognized and confronted, we generally go through a bumpy time until
we are able to see the cause and come to terms with it.

A bumpy base line will show a bumpy emotional life, up one minute,
down the next, Emotions are not the easiest things to handle for a lot
of people.

When constructing and lighting a fire, it is best to handle with care
and give the wood enough space so the air can get in and help. Handling
one's emotions in the same way as we would handle a fire can be helpful.
Emotions need to be handled with care and attention. They also need
space for themselves so they can breathe.

These are self knowledge gaps
An ability to have conscious access into the unconscious mind

An ability to have conscious access into the unconscious mind. Here again,
we see the gateway to the underworld, the land of our dreams.
In the case of uneven base lines, we have a disturbance coming from
the land of our dreams. Something that needs to be recognized and dealt
with in order to be released.

With self knowledge gaps, we have a different approach to handling
what goes on in the conscious mind. Understanding ourselves and our
dreams, observing our habit patterns and changing them if need be.


Self knowledge gaps are found only in the capital letters 'B' and 'D' on
the yellow zone. Your conscious mind (the middle zone), has left
the gate open, so to say, to the unconscious part of yourself
(the lower zone). In this way you are able to slip through into the
unconscious and learn about yourself. You are interested in
finding out as much about yourself (biologically and psychologically)
as possible.

Gaps along the base line

Direct access to the darker
side of your nature.

Certain letters naturally have a garland shaped bottom, such as
a b d  o u w etc. Sometimes gaps are found along the base line.
The cause of these gaps is where the pen moves in the opposite way,

as is prescribed in the copy book. It is a movement against the rules.


With these counter movements being at the base of the middle zone,

it denotes that you tend to go against the rules of society.
With the gaps along the base line as well, you have direct
access to the lower zone, the unconscious and instinctive drives.
When your instinctive drives are manifest in a way that goes
against natural law, there can be unpleasant consequences.

Try to resist any urges to cheat others

To look for counter strokes, or just to get the feel of the writing, hold
the pen just above the written page and imitate the handwriting movements.
After a while of tuning in to the movements, sometimes it will be possible to
understand what is the motivation behind such curves lines and dots.

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