Graphology Report Maker

16- Margins                                                          

How do you approach new situations ?                          
Are you neat and tidy or a bit more casual ?
Are you a dare-devil ?                              
Are you organized ?                                 
Are you self conscious ? 

Now look at your margins and see if any apply


Narrow top margin

With a narrow margin at the top, you put pen to paper in the
first available space. Starting off to take up as much room as possible
on the page. This is like an entrance through a door, where you
make your presence known as soon as possible.

Wide top margin

A wide margin at the top shows that you have a little more
restraint. Upon entrance through the door, you will pause,
survey the situation, and then make your presence known.

Straight left-hand margin 

A straight left-hand margin will show that you pay particular
attentIon to where you start each line.
This helps to give a neat and tidy appearance to the script, and you
will usually dress likewise, being neat and tidy in appearance.


Irregular left-hand margin

An irregular left-hand margin will show you to be more
casual about your appearance



Right-hand margin

A right-hand margin is naturally irregular. Just as a left-hand margin is
naturally straight and regular. When there is a right-hand margin this
will be another indication of  your good organizational ability.

When the margin is on the broad side, this will show an excessive
amount of caution in you, indicating that you hold yourself
back from going further.

No right-hand margin

To the other extreme, where there is no margin, you show
yourself to be overly courageous and sometimes a 'bit of a dare-devil'

Space at bottom of page

If you leave a little space at the bottom of the page, then it  gives you
enough space and time to do what needs to be done, and a little
left over for breathing space. This .shows good organization.

No space at bottom of page

When there is no space at the bottom of the page, in some cases you
can see the writing getting smaller towards the end of the page, and
then climbing up the right-hand margin and anywhere else it can find.
This shows that you need to organize your life in such a way that
you  have enough time and space to do all the tasks, without rushing
around at the last minute doing those extra bits that you didn't think
about when you started.

You feel the need to do more than what is practically
possible. If you are talkative,you may take quite some time to
say good bye and, maybe in the hallway half-way out, will still stay
yapping for half an hour before you finally part company.

Equal margins all round

This is very much like a picture in a picture frame, and that's how
you experience life. You feel that all eyes are on you and,
therefore. you tend to take great care of your appearance and

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