Graphology Report Maker

20-  Upper Zone- Indigo & Violet                        

How good is your memory  ?                           
And what about your will power  ?                   
Do you have a sharp tongue ?                          
Do you  like to solve problems ?                      
Do you use your intelligence for reflection ?      
Do you suffer from  Intellectual arrogance ?      
Are you able to split apart intellectual concepts. ?

See if any of these fit.












Colour: Indigo
Note: La
Tone: Tone
Name and location of Choker: Third eye
Element: Mind
Indian Caste system: Brahmin -priest

In the indigo zone we deal with the 'i' dots and 't' bars. The point and
the line. The receptive mental awareness of ourselves and the environment
with the 'i' dots, and the active penetration of the mind into the
environment with the 't' bars.

Accurate 'i' dot
Accuracy, an eye for detail and a good memory.

Being aware of your
consciousness and bringing it into line with yourself.


On the chart the 'i' dots are placed on the indigo zone, which cores-
ponds to the third eye, which is very apt when we are dealing with
receptive ability.

The accurate dotting of 'i's shows that you pay a great deal of
attention to detail. You are very perceptive and do not miss a thing.
When you go through an experience or situation in your life, and are
thrown back on  yourself, you  are able to,perceive what lessons you
need to learn to ensure that the same situation does not happen again.
On the other hand, should the same situation arise again,  you will have
learnt how to handle it so that what was difficult the first time is now easy.

By natures arrangement, the situations that everyone finds them-
selves in have something to teach us. What is to be learnt will be
different from one situation to another. The nature of these lessons is
that of inner growth, in order for everyone to eventually understand
and exercise their full potential.

Lessons are there throughout the whole of our lives, almost forcing
everyone to change and grow spiritually. Along the path towards
progress, there are obstacles that have to be overcome. We see these
obstacles within the environment, and everyone tends to put the blame
on others. However, if you see with the vision that what is happening
within the environment is an external manifestation of what is going on
within yourself, then you will look inside to find the answers. When the
question is asked, 'What is there for me to learn from this situation in which
I find myself?' the answer, or realization, is just under the surface ready to
appear. A change of attitude and outlook are called for if the inner obstacle
is to be overcome. Once this has been achieved, the environmental
situation automatically changes, and what were large obstacles before,
are now easier to get around.

It is not by chance that you find yourself in the situations that you do.
You  unconsciously draw the people and situations towards you in such
a way that it reflects your own inner nature. When you are honest with
yourself, the lessons are easier to learn.

Our perspective ability and memory are intrinsically linked, so
accurate 'i' dots will also indicate that you have a good memory,
especially for details.

This can be applied in mathematics, design work, engineering, or in
any area where precision is required. Also, for anyone learning about
graphology, accurate i dots are a must.

Watching eyes
These are called watching eyes, and you will be
especially observant. Journalist, sees every thing.

'i' dot missing

absent minded.

You do not always use your abilIty to be aware of
what is happening around you or inside yourself.

Writers' who forget to dot their 'i's generally find themselves in the
same type of situation over and over again, until they learn the lesson
the experience has to teach them. Observation is called for, especially
of details relatIng to themselves and people with whom they come into
contact. You should try to observe the underlying trends, and
the rhythm patterns in your life. The situations in which you find
yourself are asking you to develop more of  unused potentiality.

Obstacles in life can be difficult to overcome, and may cause stress.
Also, the tendency is to put the blame onto the environment and other
people. If you  could turn everything around
and see your obstacles as friends, situations, no matter how difficult,
could be used by you to develop yourself till you were equal to
those situations. This would require a great degree of inner strength
and would teach you what you  need to know.

Forgetting to dot an 'i' is like forgetting a detail, in this case a detail
of observation. This oversight can manifest in a number of ways,
such as forgetting names, telephone numbers or appointments.

Sometimes writing shows a mixture of correctly dotted 'i's and 'i's without dots.
This shows that such writers have excellent memories and understand
their abilities, but do not always use them. How many 'i' dots are
missing in relation to how many 'i' dots are there, shows the degree of
absentmindedness from which such writers suffer.

It is interesting to see that the zone we are looking at relates to the
mind, and the traditional graphological interpretation for not dotting
'i's is absent mindedness.

'i' dot to the right

Thoughts running before action

Here your awareness is ahead of yourself.


Your attention  is often absorbed by speculations about
the future, such as holidays, projects, day dreams, wishes and hopes.
Similarly, you sometimes imagine that your goals are easier
to achieve than they really are, because your imagination travels faster
than the body. This tends to foster a keen mind. However, you
should be careful not to give way to impulsiveness of haste with routine
details, which adversely affect your powers of observation and attention
to detail.

'i' dots to the left

Thoughts walking behind action,

watching the action, hence caution or procrastination.


'i' dots to the left show that you who tend to be cautious and  hesitate,
and sometimes you are inclined to dwell on the past.

Notice how the same rule that is applied to the slant is working here.
Only in this case it is such writers' observations that are looking ahead,
with an 'i' dot to the right, or observing the past with an 'i' dot to the left.

Circular 'i' dot

Ring of protection.


Here we have a circle instead of a point. A ring of protection where
the standpoint of observation should be. Instead of observing the world
around yourself, you  see the world observing yourself. This will make
you  a little self-conscious.

Circular 'i' dots also show an extra amount of fullness in the upper
zone, indicating that you  have a considerable amount of
imagination, which is generally expressed in your artistic talent.

The ring of protection placed above the 'i' stands out and is clearly
visible, in fact, it emphasizes the 'i' or, in other words, it emphasizes
yourself. Thus you wish to be seen as having a good imagination
and artistic appreciation which, of course, you do have. However, what
happens is that although people will relate to your artistic ability
and are generally pleased with it, they find it difficult to relate to you
as a person, because your artistic ability is being used as a circle of protection.

You will be concerned about the protection of your  inner life, and
tend to dress up in such a way that you  stand out in a crowd and appear
to be different from others.

This is your protection barrier; people will identify you because of
your  unusual dress, but will find it difficult to go beyond that to your  inner

You will see what is in your surroundings and, by use of good
imagination and an artistic ability, you can apply it to yourself.
Hence you are able to do various forms of craft work and be very
creative in what you wear.

A little more about the letter 'i'


When the letter 'i' is smaller than the other middle zone letters, it will
show that you  have a low opinion of yourself in relation
to other people. On the other hand, if it is larger, you  will
have better and more positive opinion about yourself . The size
of the person pronoun  I   in relation to other letters will indicate the same.

Writers with small I's have to be careful because other people will
try and take advantage of them. (Refer to section on small and
microscopic size writing, as the same rule applies.)

Another observation of this same principle is seen when writers use
capital letters throughout the whole of the script, all except
the 'i', which such writers turn into a little 'i' by dotting it.

't' bar very weak and crossed low down

Weak willed.

't' bar very weak and crossed low down (practically missing)
Weak willed. You have difficulty taking responsibility
for your life. Therefore, you have great difficulty in being decisive.


The 't' bar relates to the willpower When it is weak and crossed low
down, you are not/ exercising your willpower to the full.

Therefore, you  have a tendency to let other people's willpower
dominate  you. This, in turn, can lead to unfortunate circumstances.
You would be advised to make your 't' bars stronger and
higher up the stem of the letter. This would result in  you
being more confident about making  your own decisions, and
having a greater degree of control in your  life..

When the 't' bars are missing altogether, the case is more extreme, and
you  really do need to start thinking seriously about taking
responsibility for your life . It's all right being humble and submissive,
but it does not do any good to let other people walk over you  and
make  your  decisions for you.

Strong 't' bar.

Good willpower.

The penetration of your mind into the environment
is done in an effective and decisive way in order to bring about a positive

The point is potentiality and the line is the projection of that potentiality
into the world. Realizing what we are capable.of doing and then getting
on with the job.


Strong 't' bars are very good for showing that  you  take personal
responsibility for your own life. Also, at work, you are able to
take charge of a situation and supervise others. You are able
to carry your own cross through  life, you can also show others
(by your own example) how they can carry theirs.
Good strong't' bars are good for developing a strong willpower. This
can be very helpful where there are bad habits to be abandoned.

Heavy pressure on the 't' bar

Brutality, force of will.

With heavy pressure on the 't' bar the power of
the mind is increased to such an extent that it causes an imbalance,
 rather like using a large outboard motor in a small rowing boat.


Here the 't' bar is overdone. Too much force and energy is directed into
what you wish to achieve. This is likely to meet resistance from
others and, in turn, you may use brutal means in attempting to get
your own way. An unsatisfactory situation for you and those close
to you. In the end, it is more difficult to achieve objectives by force
than it is by gentle persuasion.

You are so concerned about what you want In your life, that
you tend to disregard other people's feelings, and a healthy compromise
becomes almost impossible. Whatever you wish to achieve, one thing
is for certain,  it can't be done without the help of other people. Also, if
you go around being over domineering, you are not going to
receive the help that you  need from others. A healthy balance of give
and take would help tremendously. People in general are willing to give,
but object strongly to being forced to give.

The path of power is difficult and dangerous. The more power  you
crave and try to achieve, the greater the obstacles that are going to come
your way. If  you desire power, then situations will arrange
themselves in such a way that you can have the opportunity of testing
and proving to yourself and others how powerful you are.

This means that the more powerful you become, the more powerful the
tester or opponent will be. The tester or opponent will come in many
different forms, each one more powerful than the last. If  you
want power, this is what you  have to wrestle with, till time draws the
final curtain.

The path towards this external power is difficult and dangerous, and
creates a lifestyle that is far from being peaceful and contented; also,
it does not go well with social harmony. This can be seen on an
Individual and personal level, and also on a national level.


Sharp pressure on the 't' bar

Critical mind.


The mind, being sharp, is able to penetrate through to the psyche of
others. Your analytical perception enables you to see things
that are not perfect, and therefore you  are inclined to criticize those
with whom you  come into contact. Sometimes this approach can be
very helpful and constructive and, at other times, very damaging. It
depends very much on the person at the other end of the criticism.
Encouragement of the positive in others can help keep the balance.
(Refer to notes on sharp pressure ).

't' bar disconnected from the stem

Your willpower goes into tomorrow's work rather

 than today's work.


The 't' stem is a downward movement, a movement of the pen towards
the writers. It brings ideas down to earth like any other down stroke.

However, here the 't' bar (the willpower) is disconnected from its stem
(the ability to draw ideas to yourself  and make them manifest). With
the 't' bar ahead of the stem, your  willpower will be a few steps ahead of yourself
You  put your mental energy into doing work that needs to be
done in the future, rather than giving sufficient attention to the tasks that
need to be done today. Today's task is needed to ensure that the future
project will have a firm foundation and will stand more chance of success.

Bringing the 't' bar in line with the stem will help you to
connect your  willpower to the tasks that need to be done at present.

Being responsible for the future is not a bad thing in itself, but being
responsible for the present brings you  into line with yourself,
which, in turn, can help your future.

Fullness in upper zone

Broad minded and imaginative.


Your mind  is being expanded in an imaginative way.
Check to see if this causes an imbalance in your writing. If so, you may
find that your head is  in the clouds with no feet on the ground.

Covering strokes upper zone.

Narrow  minded and secretive.


Your mind  can be like a  closed book. Sometimes it is
because you  wish to keep things quiet, and sometimes because your
imagination needs to be more fully expressed.

Top of the 'p' penetrating into indigo.

Mental, manual and digital skill.


With the penetration into the upper zone of middle zone letters such
as p s and r, a sort of integration takes place, and the two different
types of energies harmonize. You  are able to penetrate the
mind from where you  are standing, and put the given information to
use in a practical way. It's a little like the integration that takes place
from the lower zone into the middle zone, but in a different way.

The middle zone integrates the intellectual and masculine from the
upper zone, and the emotional and feminine from the lower zone
into itself.

Letter 'r' penetrating the indigo

Mental penetration.

Letter's' penetrating the indigo.

Perceptive, probing  mind

Loop instead of covering stroke in the indigo
You find it difficult to concentrate on new tasks.

This is a habit of using the imaginative aspect of the mind when concentration is
called for. A time and a place for everything.


The letters p r and s all have little strokes that reach from the middle zone
into the upper zone or, more precisely, into the indigo zone, the area of
the mind. These little strokes will reveal an ability for you to be
able to penetrate your own mind, which shows that you are
mentally alive and aware. This gives you the ability to work
well with  your  hands as well as with your mind.

On the top of the letters p and s there is a covering stroke where the
pen retraces its tracks, making the second movement of the pen cover
the first movement. Covering strokes in general will naturally decrease
fullness in the writing, and put emphasis on the writing being lean,
which indicates that   your imagination  can suffer due to being
overly concerned about facts.
All work and no play can make Jack a dull boy.

Now, going back to the s with a little loop. This shows artistic skill and
an imaginative mind. However, because it is a loop where a covering
stroke is prescribed, you  will be inclined to drift off into your
imagination when mental alertness and attention are called for. Thus
you will find it difficult to concentrate on new tasks. Although
you.can be a  slow learner, once you have got the hang of a task
they are easily performed, and sometImes performed with an artistic flare.

Children with loops on their's' are able to learn faster when the
teacher has the ability to be able to capture their imagination.


Colour: Violet
Note: Te
Tone: Semitone
Name and location of Chakra: Sahasrara -crown chakra
Element: Intelligence
Indian Caste system: Brahmin -saintly priest

Amendment or flag

Show of religiosity.

You  are inclined to give the outward appearance
that you are a holy person. This is a show where there is not meant
to be a show.


Here there is an extra embellishment (sometimes quite artistic), or a
flag, an extra bit put at the top. These extra embellishments in the zone
of the saintly priest and intelligence, show that  you embellish
yourself with those qualities. The outward manifestation of this can
be seen when you appear to others as being intelligent and
deeply religious (in one form or another). However, in one sense
you probably are religious.

However, what we are seeing in such writing is an extra bit where it is
not called for; An extra embellishment of intelligence and religiousness
where it is not called for .

When you are on the Path and come across something that has the
effect of changing your understanding and  life for the better, it is only
natural that you  will wish to tell others about it. However, sometimes
you  identify yourself with this particular aspect of  yourself  so
much that it causes an imbalance. You will be overly concerned
about your religious life- and how that religious life appears to others.
This can cause conflict in you because, the Path brings you  towards

dissolving  or letting go of  the ego, thus enabling you to be in tune  with

yourself and to project from the soul.

When devotion to the great work is being carried on, you  naturally
feel pleased with it, but within yourself  you  will have to come to
terms with spiritual pride, as it is this that can prevent  you  from going
further along the path and achieving greater things. It is only another
layer to shed and let go of, so that the fresh and new can come in again.

Letter 'd' curved back

Use of intelligence for reflection.


This leftward movement in the upper zone shows that  you  use
your  intelligence to be reflective. The arcade-like movement shows that
you  are able to protect yourself  in such a way that you can
cut out external influences and contemplate your own past in an objective
way. This can take you to a place of inner peace where you are
able to see the patterns and rhythms of  your life. It's a bit like
looking at your past through the eyes of your guardian angle and
gaining insight and inspiration from it.

Generally speaking, you  have an ability to be able to under-
stand your own inner voice, and then put what you know into action,
thus giving form to your dreams. It is interesting to note that this
movement is found in the writing of many poets.
It is also found in the book of Kells.

The 't' bar roofing over the whole word

Spirit of protection.

Can be patronizing. The spirit of protection can be
overdone at times and turn into a desire to rule and to be powerful.


By using  Your willpower in an intelligent way, you are able to
have a considerable amount of control over others.You see
yourself as being intelligent, and will naturally want to protect
others (that you see as being less intelligent). This may sound good,
but can be very patronizing and intimidating for those who are meant
to be the less intelligent.

Arcade movement in the upper zone

Intellectual arrogance.

You  know  what you  know and no one
else can tell you  otherwise.


The arcade movement here moves from left to right, and is different
from the letter 'd' which curves back from right to left.

The arcade movement in the upper zone shows  you  as being
very protective of  your intelligence. Sometimes even proud of it.
Although your degree of intelligence may be high, you have difficulty
in learning from others, as you  have the opinion that 'you know best'.

In some areas of life you probably do, but the same world is seen
differently through many sets of eyes, and what is good for one person
is not necessarily helpful for others.

You  use your  intelligence as a means to self-protection.
Your  superior intelligence is used as a shield, with an attitude of
'I know what is best'.

Although intelligence can be a strength in yourself, it will also be a
weakness in that you  will have difficulty in learning from others,
particularly in your own areas of expertise.

High 'T' bar with arcade movement in upper zone

A desire to take charge of situations and suffer from
intellectual arrogance.


In this sample we see a combination of both the high 'T' bar and an
arcade movement. This indicates that  you  will want to take
charge of situations but, at the same time, you  are inclined to suffer
from intellectual arrogance.

This combination is likely to put you   in dangerous situations,
where you will draw towards yourself a considerable amount of
objections and protests from others who really do know what is best for

Once again, we see the intellectual shield such writers put around
themselves but, in this case, reinforced by the willpower of the 'T' bar .
You  have the ability to bring your ideas down to earth, very
firmly. If  you  tried to be more open to good advice, then the
ideas that are brought down to earth could have a beneficial effect.

Hooks in the upper zone

You hold on to your ideas.


Hooks are used for holding onto things. Here you  hold on to
your  intellectual ideas.

Wedges in the upper zone

You are able to split apart intellectual concepts.


Wedges are generally used for splitting apart blocks of wood. Such
movements show that you are able to split apart intellectual
concepts, This angular movement in the area of intelligence will give
you  a liking for intellectual arguments.

The End.

Ian goes off on one

Last sunday I had a lazy day.
Saw 3 films on the telly. Then later on that night I found that I
could only remember 2 of the films. Feeling a bit frustrated but
determined not to look at the telly guide.
I tried an experiment.
I tapped my forehead with my fingers saying to myself  " Come on
You can remember what the film was, it's in there somewhere."
My mind drifted off a bit, then about 2 minutes later I remembered.
It was  The  jewel of the nile. The one where the bad guy gets
his comeuppance and the Sufi's rule O K.
I have tried this experiment a few more times and I   have found
that it works most of the time but not every time.

This got me thinking.
What if I tapped the top of my head and said to my self  "Come on
Crown chakra give me some spiritual enlightenment." Would it work. ?
Would I get to see a bigger picture ?

What if  I  tapped my throat chakra and said to my self  "Come on
throat chakra I want to communicate better with others and expand
my horizons."  Would it work. ? and would wearing something
blue help ?

Then, would it work if I tapped my heart, thinking "Come on
heart chakra open up I want to be more loving and considerate ." ?
And if I did that, would my end strokes get bigger ?

What if I rubbed  my Tummy , Thinking " Come on solar plexus
I want to feel better about myself.  give me the experience of
satisfaction from within."  Would that work. ?

You can see where I'm going next. A call to action around
the genital area can arouse sexual feelings. No need  of a
question mark here.

So,  I  can't see any reason why a call to action with the other
chakra's would not work just as well..

The base chakra relates to energy. Sports people and hard
workers are used to summoning up extra energy so that previous
achievements  can be matched  or improved upon.

The genital chakra also relates to our dreams and creativity.
The film industry is very good at working with this.

The third eye,  i dots,  memory and good observation.
We are all used to putting that into action. But what about
the t bars relating to will power. This means being responsible
and having the ability to respond.

The Indians understood the chakra system
from way back when. It is like a set of tools that can be used
to understand ourselves better.
So  I'm thinking that with all our good and sometimes not so good
characteristics, there is a lot more within us than we may suspect.

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