Graphology Report Maker

9-  Pressure                                                                            

Are you intellectual or a feeling  type of  person ?
Are you Energetic or receptive ?

Heavy pressure is seen by feeling the back of the page for bumps.

Light pressure is seen by feeling no bumps on the back of the page.

Distinct pressure is seen by the upward strokes of the writing being

light and the downward strokes being heavy.

Lateral pressure is seen when the pen is pressed down hard on the

paper when it moves from left to right.

Pasty writing is seen when the pressure is light and the writing is thick.

In sharp writing the pressure may be light or heavy, and the writing

has very thin and pointed ends.

Looking for pressure in handwriting can only be done properly

if you have the original sample with you.

Photo copys,  faxes and samples on the internet can be misleading

as heavy pressure and pasty pressure can look the same.

If any of the below samples have the same pressure as your own

handwriting scroll down the page.
If not go to the next section.




For those interested in the symbolism of the elements as portrayed in
the Tarot system, the above diagram is given. By relating the different
types of pressure to the corresponding elements and suits, a deeper
understanding of your ways of expression can be achieved.

The Tarot system is a map just like any other map, such as astrology,
palmistry, graphology, numerology ,1 ching, the tree of life, and the
list goes on. If you have a map and learn how to read it, then it
can help you in understanding from where you have come, what
forces are at play at the present time, and what choices of direction
are available to you. Clearer decisions can be made with the aid of
a map, as it is possible to see the result of each possible course of

All maps have their areas of specialty, and what can be done with one
map cannot necessarily be done with another. However, they are all very
helpful if you wish to see the situation you are in with an objective eye.
A second opinion you could say.

The degree of pressure you exert onto the paper when you write,
indicates how much you wish to influence those around you, or to what
extent you want to 'make your mark' in society. Light pressure, there-
fore, will show a lack of desire to use force to get what you want.
Due to a sensitive nature, you will tend to go about things in a
peaceful way.

Distinct pressure is seen by the upward strokes of the writing being
light and the downward strokes being heavy. This shows a healthy
balance within you, causing you to exert pressure when needed in your
life, and a stepping back and taking it easy when the job is done; a
healthy balance between tension and relaxation.

Lateral pressure is seen when the pen is pressed down hard on the
paper when it moves from left to right. This indicates that you use your
energy to achieve goals.

Pasty writing is seen when the pressure is light and the writing is
thick. This indicates that you are a person who likes to do as much as
possible, but with the least amount of effort; this also indicates how
much pleasure you can absorb and give out to others.

In sharp writing the pressure may be light or heavy, and the writing
has very thin and pointed ends. This shows that you are a person who
sets high ethical standards for yourself, and sometimes feel guilty if they
are not adhered to.


Upright slant & varying
Broadness & narrowness
Small middle zone
Connected & disconnected
Fullness & leanness

Heavy Pressure

Heavy Pressure

Strong driving force

You have a strong driving force which delights in expressing itself and
is shown by your energy and creativity. This is because you feel within
yourself that pressure and force are necessary to overcome outer or
inner resistance's. You have an attitude characteristic of the active type
of person, whose strength and vigor seem to thrive on opposition.

You love a challenge
Your creative and colorful imagination desires immediate stimula-
tion which can give you pleasure. There is a strong impulse to control
yourself, and sometimes you insist on controlling other people and
situations. You direct your energy to goal directed pursuits with great
determination and decisiveness. Therefore, you would rather be
reasoned with than be ordered to do something arbitrary.

Bright lights , loud music , really tasty food , hot , spicy ,you love

to experience life to the full. It would n't  surprise me if  you sometimes

dance  all night long.


Heavy pressure can be felt by feeling the back of the written page
where the pen has made bumps. Sometimes the writing can be so
heavy that you can see the indentation on the next page. This
pressure indicates that you wish to leave your  mark with extra
physical force.

People with heavy pressure are generally able to do physically hard
work, and take to jobs such as bricklaying, laboring, or any work where
they have to use their energy and strength. You  like to see your work
progress fast, and when it is finished everyone is able to see 'your  mark
on the world'.

You are able to absorb shock to your system. If you are
knocked down, you  can generally recover fast.
Your desire for immediate stimulation, (1 want now!), can make
you  impatient at times and difficult to handle.


I gave a reading  to a guy who had heavy pressure. He turned out to be a
rugby player . His wife was with him and she told me that , when the rugby
season is on  and he is doing  his training  ,  he is as good as gold .
When he is not in training , that is when he becomes a bit  impatient
and  difficult to handle.

The remedy for this was for him to have a run around the block, and
use the energy in a positive way. Then  he would cool down again be
easier to get on with.

So,  if you find that you have loads of energy and are being a bit
disruptive and upsetting those around you. Go for a run around the block
and clear your head. Apologize and start again .

Left slant
Small size
Connected & disconnected
Copy book
Wavy line

Light Pressure

Light Pressure


You are a soft-hearted individual who dislikes physical force and
brutality. Your sensitivity and delicacy of feeling mean that you can get
hurt easily, and it usually takes you some time to get over it. You have
a fluent, receptive and agile mind and like to be genial and peaceable.
Generally, you are more interested in idealistic, intellectual and
cultural pursuits as opposed to an emphasis on material things and the
sensual side of life.


To observe light pressure, feel the back of the written page with your
fingers. You will notice a lack of bumps or indentations coming from
the writing.

Here you do  not feel the need to use pressure or force when
expressing yourself. Therefore, you  generally go about your life in
a peaceful way.

Right slant
Broadness & narrowness
Connected & disconnected
Wavy line
Fullness & leanness

Distinct  Pressure

Distinct  Pressure

Good health

Most of the time you enjoy good health and strength, which comes from
good physical co-ordination and the natural habit of deep breathing.
You are alert and able to participate in life to the full.

You are a well integrated and notable personality, due to a depth of
experience in feelings, with a high degree of adaptability and balance.

You are able to deal with obstacles and experiences quite readily with
a firm hand, being quite definite. At other times, you have a warmly
magnetic nature. You also appreciate a harmonious contrast of color,
artistic arrangements and music at all levels.


My father has distinct pressure and he is very fit. One evening at the
local pub, the darts team were discussing the merits of strength. It was
decided that they would have a competition amongst themselves to see
who could do the most press-ups. Although my father was at least 20
years older than the rest of the team, he managed to win the competition
by doing 20 more press-ups than any of them.

Distinct pressure can be seen in the writing of people who lead very
active lives.  You  have lots of energy and are able to bring your  ideas
down to earth, which, in turn, makes you  very creative and productive.

If  you also have  a good layout and a healthy rhythm, you  will be
able to succeed in practically anything you put your mind to.

Right slant
Large size
Lines garland

Lateral  Pressure

Lateral  Pressure


You experience an overpowering urge to put most of your energy
towards goal directed and creative pursuits, which must be satisfied.
However, you do need to guard yourself against impulses to become
over engrossed in the matter at hand, thus resisting the temptation to
go on indefinitely. It is necessary, therefore, to relax the mind when
these impulses are experienced.


Pressure to the right instead of on the down strokes, is a misplacement
of energy. You are putting your energy into completing goals
with force, which may well meet resistance from others. Pressure on the
down strokes (distinct pressure), however, would enable  you  to
bring your ideas down to earth without overdoing it. This is because
you instinctively understand your  natural rhythm and are in harmony
with it. Thus everything gets done in the due course of time. Trying to
finish a job by yesterday can be very impractical and stressful for
writers with lateral pressure.

Right slant
Broadness & narrowness
Rising lines
Small size
Strong t bars
End stroke

Varying  Pressure

Varying  Pressure


Being too receptive to the impressions of other people and your
environment, you tend to worry unnecessarily. This gives rise to emotional
changes within yourself, and can lead to irritability towards others.

However, by deliberately relaxing and calming the mind on these
occasions, the tendency to worry and become anxious unnecessarily will
disappear and, as a result, life in general will be much happier at all


Your physical health fluctuates from time to time in the form of
outbursts of energy which quickly subside. Therefore, a greater effort is
needed to maintain a regular output of physical energy in order to
develop lasting powers of endurance. This will help you guard against
strains and stresses, 'Which may come from a sudden and unexpected
necessity for heavy pressure of work.


The pressure here will be irregular, some words or parts of words with
heavy pressure, others with light pressure. Also, see how the natural
rhythm of heavy pressure on the down strokes, and light pressure on the
up strokes (distinct pressure), is absent. Sometimes you will see light
pressure on a few down strokes and heavy pressure on some upstrokes.
You exert pressure on the page and within your life at
irregular times. This will produce the effect of working flat out until
you are exhausted, and then feel  the need to take time off  to recover .
An understanding of your natural rhythm patterns and how to be in
harmony with them will develop if you practice writing with distinct
pressure. This can also help reduce nervous tension that is caused by
an erratic life style and bring you back in tune with yourself and
your environment.

Upright slant & varying
Full middle zone
Connected & disconnected

Pasty  Pressure

Pasty  Pressure

Pleasure absorbing

You like to do as much as possible with the least amount of effort.
Usually you delight in being free and easy, with a comfortable and
pleasant disposition. You have a great liking for things that stimulate
the senses, such as bright colors, food and drink, nature and the
country-side, for kissing and lovemaking. You are sensitive to tactile
stimuli and have a need for bodily contact.

With your imagination you have the ability to think in images. You
are capable of working in the sphere of color, in that you can see how
colors blend nicely and how things can be artistically attractive to
others. You are a master at enjoying the senses -smell, touch, sound,
vision and taste, which can all be used by you to give pleasure to others.


Pasty writing always has light pressure. The strokes are thicker and are
blunt at the ends. Felt tip pens usually produce pasty pressure, although
on some occasions I have seen sharpness where the blunt endings
become pointed.

Writers with pasty pressure put as much ink on the page as possible
with the least amount of pressure. In  your life , you like to do as much
as possible with the least amount of effort. Because you know
how to be receptive and appreciate life, others will find pleasure just by
being in your company.You  are generally good at working with color,
art, design, music and anything which gives pleasure to others.

Upright slant
Small middle zone
Lines rising
Connected & disconnected
Copy book

Sharp  Pressure

Sharp  Pressure

Discriminating mind

You have a very discriminating mind which distinguishes between
cleanliness and filth, and between high and low moral concepts. Your
demanding set of values gives you the ability to judge and criticize
fairly accurately.

However, when you do not keep to the high standards you set for yourself,
you are inclined to criticize yourself and have feelings of guilt. You
should try to resist the urge of being too severe with yourself, and with

You have a low resistance to shock and narcotics, so any form of irritation
in terms of smoking, alcohol or drugs should always be avoided, or else
indulged in with the maximum of discretion. You can help yourself relax by
doing something just for the sake of it, without being critical, such as
listening to music, going to the theater or anything that gives you pleasure.
This will help you to get more out of life, and thus appreciate it further.


Sharp writing can be light or heavy pressure, and can be seen when the
ends of the T -bars, y loops and words become sharp, like a needle
point as opposed to pasty writing, which has blunt endings.

This sharpness stems from a perfectionist view of life. You look
for perfection in  your life  and in others. You  see 'that which
falls short of perfection' and start to criticize it.
You are very perceptive and can see through other peoples' motives. The
heavier the pressure the harder the criticism. Insisting on perfection
for yourself  or others can be very disruptive at times, and far
from perfection in itself. When  you let go of your own guilt,
you  will then stop projecting it onto others.

Sometimes, a mixture of pasty and sharpness are seen in the same script.
Here such writers know how to enjoy life, but have guilty feelings about
it, which, generally speaking, are unnecessary, as it tends to stunt the
natural growth and development by putting limitations on it.

If  you were not so intent on searching for perfection,  you would probably
be perfect. You would be well advised to get used to seeing and accepting
your own inner beauty, and then the inner beauty in others. As to the dark
side of  your nature, you are able to see it clearly but, due to your
perfectionist spirit, you  have difficulty accepting it for what it is without
criticism. When you stop criticizing or rejecting the darker side of  your
nature, and begin to handle it with gentleness, then your own inner beauty will
be able to shine through.

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