Graphology Report Maker

13-  Speed of Handwriting                               
Are you  Quick of the mark or a bit slower ?

To see the speed in handwriting is long winded. There is a
blank speed chart at the bottom of this page, You can print
this out to pratice on.

If you are new to graphology I would suggest that you leave
this section and come back to it when you are more familiar
with handwriting movements.

For now scroll down the page and see if any
of the interpretations relate to you.

Then go to the next section


Speed of Handwriting

This is an exercise to help you see if your writing is quick, slow or
 in-between. It is also a good practice to help with your eye training.
This exercise will also increase your observation skills, because you
 have to look at practically everything in the script.
There is a hidden danger in that it is partly an intellectual exercise.
Being keyed in to all the little details to an exaggerated degree, can
prevent you from seeing the script from an overall perspective.
 (Refer to microscopic and large size.)
It's a bit like students at art college. Their gift for art is natural, but
after learning all the technical skills in the art world, they find that
their natural flare for art is suffering, due to paying too much attention
to all the details. In these circumstances, students need to be reminded
that a natural aptitude for art is all important in order to get back their
flare again.

Likewise, with the study of graphology, a good balance has to be
maintained between learning all the technicalities on one hand, but not
letting that get in the way of the flow that comes from first impressions.
The language of graphology can be easily understood by those who have
a desire to understand others, and are flexible in their ability to learn.

Have fun with the charts. I've done a few examples to show you how
it's done. After you have filled in about half a dozen charts you will
probably get the hang of it. Be careful not to let it overwhelm you and
prevent you from seeing what the handwriting is telling you. This
exercise, as well as the eye training exercises, will help you to develop
a keen sense of observation, which is very handy to have if you are
going to do any graphology work.

The handwriting used for the speed test is found under the respective


Quick writing shows us how fast such writers can get things done, or
how much they are able to do in a given amount of time. On the other
hand, slow writing indicates that such writers need to adapt themselves
to different situations.

People whose writing is half way between fast and slow will be
wondering whether they are doing the right thing by acting on their

Right slant
Large size
Lines rising
Clearly spaced lines
Good layout
Connected & disconnected
Fullness & leanness

Quick Speed


Quick Speed


You have a spontaneous mind in that you are able to use your intelli-
gence to grasp Situations quickly; then you are able to execute your
ideas with speed. In this way you adapt readily to environmental

Your rapid thinking gives you a better chance for success in a competi-
tive society. Furthermore, you are usually straightforward and genuine
when it comes to dealing with people.


Quick writing obviously goes with a very factual and active mind.
This is generally considered healthy and alert.You  are able
to learn fast and execute duties swiftly. However, if  you have
too much pressure on the 't' bars, you  can be overbearing and come
across resistance from others, which will, in turn, slow down the
speed and efficiency of a project.

Upright slant & varying
Small middle zone
Copy book

Slow Speed

Slow Speed


You are conscientious in most of your undertakings, in that you
calculate the effect of every manifestation and expression of yourself.
You are a thorough person and like to attend to every detail. It is not
only what you do that you are aware of, but also how you do it, in that
you are concerned not only with the point you are making, but also the
style in which you make it.


Slow writing goes with a slow learner. You pay so much
attention to making sure you do things correctly, that you lose your
sense of spontaneity, calculating every move you  make and being overly
self-conscious which, in turn, inhibits your natural personality from
being experienced and expressed.

Upright slant & varying
Broadness & narrowness
Small middle zone
Rising lines
Clearly spaced lines

50-50 Speed

50-50 Speed

Inner conflict

On the one hand you have a tendency to act on the spur of the moment,
without thinking what the consequences might be. On the other hand,
this tendency to act according to your impulses and desires, often
conflicts with accepted standards of conduct, so you experience painful
emotions. Therefore, you drive the unwelcome impulses and desires
from the conscious mind into the unconscious mind. However, they still
remain active, influencing your behavior and experience, although, for
the most part, indirectly. This gives rise to nervous symptoms of various
kinds. In other words, when certain impulses and desires arise
(consciously), you suppress them (to the unconscious mind), only for
them to reappear another time and to be pushed back down again. In
fact, you dislike some of your desires. Hence the personality as a whole
comprises opposite characteristics which need to be recognized and
integrated into a harmonious working whole. This can be achieved by
learning and benefiting from the happy, as well as 'the unhappy,
experiences of life, including the right and wrong decisions you choose
to make from day to day.


50-50 speed, half quick and half slow, one step forward and one step
back. You lack harmony in yourself. You  need to recognize
and accept your  bad qualities, as well as your good ones. Everybody
has a light and dark side to their nature, when both sides are recognized
and understood, we can function as whole people.



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