Graphology Report Maker

17-  Lower Zone, Red and Orange  

Hey, how ya  ( lower loops )  doing ?  

Are you argumentative   or   stubborn ?
Do you like to hold on to things  ?       
Are you very creative ?                      
Or in need of more imagination ?

Do you have any of these lower zone movements ?
If not go to the next section.










Colour: Red
Note: Do
Tone: Tone
Name and location of Chakra: Muldhara -base of spine
Element: Earth
Sense: Smell
Indian Caste system: Malecha -primitive man

Starting stroke, Starting at red zone.

Argumentative. Red with rage; danger; explosion.


The red zone relates to the primitive part of our nature, the animal
A sudden burst of primordial energy from the lower zone ( the
unconscious), forces its way through to the middle zone, the awake or
conscious and social part of our life. This has the effect of sudden bursts
of anger in you, seemingly for no apparent reason

End stroke. Finishing on the red


Red for stop. A quality of earth is that it stays .in the
same place. A stubborn person does not wish to budge.


Here is a definite show of strength in putting one's foot down
and saying no! Projects that are on the way to completion can
 be cut short and stopped unexpectedly.
The down stroke is a movement towards the writer, thus emphasizing
one's own sense of importance. When the down stroke 'unexpectedly'
goes below the base line, as in this case,you will 'unexpectedly'
enforce your sense of importance to such a degree that others can be
 stopped in their tracks abruptly.

Down stroke going under the base line to the left.
An unwillingness to talk things over or to compromise

Has a tendency to fight things out. As you see, we are
still dealing with the primitive side of nature.


The pen moving into the lower zone instead of staying in the middle zone.

The shape of this movement is like a shield. A shield in the lower zone,

denoting that you have a strong primitive sense of protection, of which

you are probably unaware. From time to time this can cut off your social life.

Triangular lower zone with horizontal bottom.

Needs solid material basis.

An emphasis is placed on earth

Notice how the pen stays and moves along the red zone. Unconsciously
you feel a need for a solid material basis to your life. You like
things to stay the same. The over-emphasis placed on the earth shows
that you would like a stable and reliable life. However, you
experience difficulty in being flexible with yourself and changing
with the need of the time, so that the seeds of their ideas will bear fruit.
Also, you may have unwanted tension in the sexual area of your
life that needs to be recognized, named and released.

For identifying repressed tension in the lower zone, look towards the
relationship with your mother or father when you were a child.
A change to ordinary lower loops with out the angles will help to
realize the unconscious tension as well.

Avoidance movement in red zone

You like to hoard things.

This is like a claw holding onto the earth. Also, watch out
for underhand dealings. You need to face your
fears that were produced in childhood. Being in the lower zone, the un-
conscious area, you may be hoarding. Skeletons in the cupboard !


The letters 'p' and 'q' are the only letters with a lower zone
that does not reach the red zone. The saying 'mind your p's and q's,
behave politely, don't go down to the red, keep a check on the primitive
side of your life. (Refer to the diagram of letters of the alphabet placed
on the color chart. )


Colour: Orange
Note: Ray
Tone: Tone
Name and location of Chakra: Svadistana - genitals
Element: Water
Sense: Taste
Indian Caste system: Sudra - working class

Extra large lower loop

Very creative  sexual imagination.

Very creative. The orange zone is linked into
the area of the genitals, the sexual area within us. This example shows
a greater importance placed on this facet of one's nature in
relation to other areas within. Hence you can be very
creative in many different ways.


Notice the fullness in the lower zone, specifically in the orange area.
Referring to the section on fullness, we see that you have a well
developed imagination, when found in the orange zone the imagination
will be of a sexual and creative nature.
We all have a creative spark within us, the urge to make something,
whether it be a meal, a wage packet, or a work of art. The sexual act is
just one way of expressing that spark of creativity.

Graphologists look to the lower zone to see indications of sex life, but as
sexual activity is just an expression of one's ability to create, I would like
to emphasize the creative part of one's self as relating to this zone and the
subtle feelings that relate to the sexual activity as secondary to the creative
ability in general.

A very narrow loop

Sexual repression.

Your creativity can sometimes be blocked due to not
paying enough attention to your imagination.


The leanness in this example is the other extreme to the fullness of the
extra large lower loop. Notice the leanness in the orange zone,
 indicating that you are not exercising your ability to be imaginative
 in a creative way.
Imagination is very helpful if we wish to be creative, whether it be on
the stage, with acting, cooking in the kitchen, or flower arranging.

Fullness in the lower zone, without the lower

loop crossing the down stroke of the 'g'.

Sexual instability

due to being preoccupied with a lot of unconscious
thoughts that need to be integrated.


Although you will have a well developed imagination (fullness in
the lower zone), you will have difficulty in bringing your imagination into
actuality (not crossing the down stroke of the 'g').

The fullness in the lower zone holds lots of unconscious thoughts and
a great imagination, but without the lower loop crossing over its own
down stroke and onto the next letter, there is a lack of integration of
your creative imagination into your day to day life.

Wide open

A  poetic attitude to the sensual world,

contemplation. The emphasis on water gives one the ability to feel
things out. You will be able to handle children by com-
municating to them through their feelings.


Notice how the lower loop looks like a cradle. A cup formation in the
lower zone is receptive to things of lower zone nature, i.e. feelings and dreams.
The element of water is emphasized here as the lower loop finishes in
the orange zone.

An avoidance movement in the lower zone

Avoiding sexual responsibility.


The pen moves in the opposite way, thus avoiding the natural curve at
the bottom of the lower zone. This movement avoids the possibility of
the integration of the lower self into day today life. There will be tension
created by the angle at the bottom.  Some times  this can manifest
as a pain in the lower back , at the base of the spine.
Movements in the lower zone relate to the unconscious part of our-
selves, therefore you may not always be aware how your
unconscious habit patterns effect your day to day life.

A loop to the left

Sexual vanity.

You will probably like good clothes and food, due
to there being an emphasis on taste.


This is the same as the avoidance movement, but with the pen making an
artistic loop, giving the lower zone a greater degree of fullness.Your
sexual imagination is thus given exercise, but with it being a
continuation of an avoidance movement, the expression of the sexual
imagination will be spurred on by a sense of vanity, rather than a sense
of giving and integrating.

Triangular lower zone

Domestic tyranny,

often caused by sexual disappointments. Notice the
tension that the angular movement brings to the lower zone. The zone
where there should be no tension.


Angles are a sign of tension, too much control and holding on. You
need to learn how to let go and let nature take its course.
Creativity is natural and comes about by nature's laws. When the
controlling element is overdone, there is a lack of sensitivity which
disrupts the natural flow, and may cause havoc for you and those
close to you.

Also, notice the covering strokes on the angles, indicating secrecy.
You may be inclined towards underhanded dealings, or may
find it difficult to relate to the creative part of life in such a way that
creativity flows through you. you need to face the source of
the suppressed pain and tension and let it go, in order to clear out the

A return to rounded, complete lower loops would be of great help to
you, as this will enable the tension to be released and a finer
sensitivity restored.

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