Graphology Report Maker

3-  Size                                                                                      

Are you expressive or hermit like ?

Does your handwriting fit any of the  samples below in
terms of size, if so scroll down the page. 

If your handwriting is a normal size then disregard this section. 
Then we will look at the Zones


The size of writing shows how "much space a person need's in order to
express themselves. A person with large writing could use the whole of
a stage, whereas a person with microscopic writing, being too modest,
would rather stay back-stage.


Right slant
Full middle zone
Connected & disconnected
Open  a 's
End strokes
Large Size

Large Size


You like to express yourself to the full, in a manner appealing to others .
 Thus, your wish to entertain guests generously will make you a first- class

Although essentially self-reliant, you do like and require the approval
of others and would like to be thought of as being distinguished, even

Your desire for greatness leads you to develop your personality to the
full, and this gives you a courageous spirit and sense of adventure.
You also have the talent to lead others and the power to visualize
large-scale projects.


Large writing is very good for actors and actresses. Such writers, who
express themselves to the full on the page, can express themselves to
the full on the stage.

If a good layout and rhythm are found in the same script, then
you will be good at organizing large scale projects. The large writers
like to do everything on a grand scale.

The sun has so much to give and shines its light into darkness, which
in turn, warmly receives it. Large writers love to have a receptive
audience in front of whom they can shine, uplifting those with whom
they come into contact.

If narrowness is found with large writing, then stage fright will be
experienced. You will have lots of energy to give, but difficulty
with expression due to a 'cooping up' and holding back of  your feelings.
When you allow yourself to loosen up and be more relaxed
and to let go of tension, then expression will flow through you without
any hang ups or spurts and starts. You  will move towards your goals
with large, confident strides instead of little, over-cautious steps.

Upright slant & varying
Full middle zone
Copy book
i dot , circular
Small Size

Small Size

Conserving Strength

Generally speaking, you tend to conserve your strength in a realistic
way, being careful not to over-extend yourself. You have the ability to
hide your emotions, and in this way manage to keep control over your


Your modest nature sometimes stops you from showing your capabilities.
When genuine praise and encouragement is given from others,
you feel overrated. You could help yourself by not underestimating your
abilities in this way.


You are able to see situations from an objective point of view, with a
good understanding of the relevant pro's and con's. You are also capable
of concentrating for a fair length of time. Usually you look after your
money very well, making sure not to spend on anything unnecessary.


You really do need to give yourself a little more  credit. Your constant

underestimation of your abilities can get in the way
of doing what you really wish to do. To be a bit more daring and
expressive can bring about a greater degree of self confidence, which
will, in turn, prevent other people from walking all over you.

If your writing is small or Microscopic Size, here is something that may help.
See the page as a garden and your letters and words as flowers.
Over a period of time let your letters and words grow in size.
This will help you to grow in confidence and to express yourself.

Upright slant & varying
Full middle zone
Lines falling
Clearly spaced lines
Microscopic Size

Microscopic Size

Hermit like

You tend to lock yourself away in a hermit like shell, and it is difficult
for people to get through to you.

Your concentration is intense and can be maintained for long periods of
time. Your main difficulty is your inability to reveal what you know to
others. Meditating on a problem will only make it worse, as the fault lies
in too much thought and not enough action. If you tried to be more
outgoing and to express yourself to others, you would feel more satisfied
in yourself.
To create a healthier balance, you would be well advised to live a little,
stand up for yourself, and prevent others taking advantage of you.


Microscopic writing is an indication of extreme intensity in  yourself.
You  are often  an expert in your specialist field of knowledge to
the extent of sometimes being a genius. Your perception of life is that
what you don't know is greater than what you do know. Although this
must be the case in everyone's, such writers require help in accepting
the need to share the knowledge they have for the benefit of others.

Microscopic writing shows a considerable ability for doing lots of
study and absorbing many facts, and for a period of time this can be
helpful. However, as the energy of  yourself is going inward there is
a lack of outward expression. You tend to dwell on the negative
aspects within yourself instead of seeing the positive aspects. The
feeling of not being good enough comes to the surface, as  you
constantly under-estimate your own abilities.

If your writing is small or Microscopic Size, here is something that may help.
See the page as a garden and your letters and words as flowers.
Over a period of time let your letters and words grow in size.
This will help you to grow in confidence and to express yourself.

Case History

Case History: There is a friend of mine, an astrologer, who had micro-
scopic writing. He read me some of his poems. They were a clear indica-
tion of genius which was on the edge of insanity. This line between
genius and insanity can be very thin at times. It is where the writer's
energy is intensely concentrated on his specialist subject, so much so
that he can lose touch with his surroundings.

As the astrologer's writing began to grow and get larger, he started to
feel that he wasn't such a bad person after all, and now he is able to
express himself in such a way that others are able to benefit from his
considerable learning and experience.

When your writing becomes bigger, the energy patterns
change within you and instead of going inward, the energy begins to
flow outward. This comes with realizing your true value. What it is that
you can do, as opposed to what  you can't do. When the energy flows
out, you are able to be more generous and giving, because it is
easier for you to see what you  have  to give to others.

Of course, the size of the paper should be taken into consideration.
People generally write smaller on postcards because of confined space.
It is best to see if the writing is still microscopic when given plenty of
space for expression on a larger piece of paper .


 Who wears the trousers in the house ?
In a relationship the person who has the
largest handwriting generally takes the lead.
They like to be the boss.

The person with the smaller handwriting
can be quite happy to adapt and help out. 

When the two handwriting samples are about the same

size then there is more likely to be an equal footing.

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